Parkwind develops, finances, and operates offshore wind farms. Since 2023 Parkwind has been wholly owned by JERA, the Japanese energy group that is one of the world’s largest electricity producers. It is now part of JERA Nex, JERA’s renewable energy subsidiary.
With more than a decade of experience and 1028MW under operational management worldwide, Parkwind is currently expanding internationally. Their team of 160 professionals works from Belgium (Leuven & Ostend), Germany, Ireland, Norway, Greece, Australia, and New Zealand, and is committed to making green energy available and affordable for everyone.
Considering its further international business expansion, Parkwind is looking to enlarge its Legal Team for ‘Contracting & Procurement’ with a Senior Legal Counsel.
You will support and assist the teams within Parkwind in the development and construction of an offshore wind farm, from start to finish, and ensure compliance with statutory requirements, company policies, industry practice.
More specifically, you will support the project, under the direction of the lead counsel contracting & procurement, which shall include the following tasks and responsibilities:
Wij geloven dat we door perfecte matches te creëren tussen juridische professionals en bedrijven, niet alleen carrières kunnen transformeren, maar ook juridische teams kunnen versterken. Dit leidt tot meer succes en voldoening voor zowel kandidaten als klanten. Met een team van gemotiveerde drietalige recruitment partners hebben we al meer dan 1.000 vacatures succesvol ingevuld, met een indrukwekkende succesratio van 98% bij vaste aanwervingen.